About Us

Tres Dias was derived from Cursillo de Christianadad, a “short course in Christianity”, which has been active in church renewal since it’s beginnings in Spain in the 1940’s. Translated from Spanish Tres Dias means “Three Days”.

Tres Dias is an adult ecumenical weekend which aims to concentrate closely on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that God use Tres Dias as a tool to bring His children into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many who have attended the weekend have experienced a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Christ as they sense His love in a dynamic way.

There are now approximately 106 Tres Dias communities around the world. Tres Dias was started in 1972 and is overseen by International Tres Dias, which is made up of laity and clergy from around the world.


Central Texas Tres Dias was Chartered in Fall of 2007. The East Texas Tres Dias community has graciously agreed to sponsor and support our fledgling community. The Tres Dias weekend begins on Thursday evening and concludes late Sunday afternoon. Men’s and Women’s weekends are held throughout the year.

Each spring and fall, CTTD has scheduled individual weekends for men and women.  Each attendee, called a "Candidate", has a Sponsor who prays for the Candidate and provides assistance to help make the Candidate's three days on the weekend free from responsibilities elsewhere. Sponsors also act as a resource for their Candidate after the Weekend. The weekends are centered around talks given by Lay and Clergy Team Members which present Biblically based Christian truths and the implications of such truths to our daily lives. During the weekend, the candidates worship and study together. The atmosphere of a Tres Dias weekend is filled with the Holy Spirit inspiring love, joy, peace, hope, fellowship, laughter and glorification of God.

After the three day experience, Tres Dias encourages people to share their witness, to glorify God, to serve through their church and to come up alongside each other in living out the Christian life in their own environment. In addition, we encourage people to join in reunion groups and Secuelas for continued accountability and nourishment in their Christian walk.

How may I attend a TRES DIAS Weekend?

Please pray for God’s will for attending a Tres Dias weekend.  If you feel led to attend, you or your sponsor may complete the registration form and mail to address on form.  As soon as we receive your form, we will join you in praying for you and your personal weekend.